Week 5

Topic 1
  1. After seeing the documentary "RiP! A Remix Manifesto," what did you find most interesting/surprising/alarming in the video as it relates to the First Amendment or freedom of expression? Cite an EXAMPLE or two from the documentary, AND relate it to your own experience.
  2. What questions or concerns do you have about copyright or limits on creativity?
  3. Write about an instance where you think an artist/writer/musician/politician, the media or a group or individuals went too far in exercising their freedom of speech or of the press.
  4. Be sure to share your take on the incident. What actions should be taken in response?

-There was a lot of different points in this documentary that I wouldn't say shocked me, but I was somewhat surprised by I suppose. I didn't previously realize how much was controlled and how deeply. I don't understand why the big companies get to keep the money from the people they sue, yet the artists don't see a dime or didn't even necessarily want to sue in the first place. One of the bigger things that angered me and really did bother me was when you saw the words "cancer" and "aids" written and Greg was discussing patents. Seeing those words and thinking of the possibilities, maybe a cure for either of those diseases, then the realization that it's going to take a lot to reach a cure like this. I just can't believe that the people holding onto those patents are so selfish. I mean I can because it's happening and has been and will continue. But, he's so right when speaking of the progress we could have and be currently making. We could have opened so many doors by now, made so many leaps and bounds in medicine. But no. Everyone has to keep collecting that $$$, who cares if people suffer for years on end, paying with their lives. If they just could build upon those patents or add to them somehow. (picture of scene below, at 1:03:44) 

-In my own personal experience: I once received a letter alleging that I had downloaded illegal material online, that it was very illegal to do so and could result in prosecution, and that I must stop at once. If I am remembering it correctly it said it was for movies and that was about three years ago. Nothing more came of it. Makes you wonder how they pick and chose who to go after. The people that they showed in the documentary, why them? IF there's "an entire generation of criminals," how'd they pick those people. I know people who have downloaded thousands of things and never got any type of warning, and yet there are people who owe thousands.  
-I guess one of the things I am wondering is why two big corporations get to control it all. Why, when there's so many of us that outnumber them do they always win. I didn't think monopolies were supposed to be legal and yet here we are with two big corporations owning and controlling all of it. 
-I thought of several examples in my head, but none of them could beat our own president. I don't honestly feel it necessary to come up with an example for him when it comes to pushing it over the line. Whether it be inciting violence against people or reporters, making fun of a person with a disability, talking about grabbing women by their genitalia, but I don't think any examples are necessary ;). Being in the position he is in and making the statements he does...it shouldn't be okay, it should be reprehensible, but what will be done? Nothing.    

Topic 2
  1. What do you think of actions by WikiLeaks? Good? Bad? Useful? Irresponsible?
  2. EXPLAIN why you feel that way.
  3. Give an EXAMPLE to support your point of view.
  4. How do you feel about the current state of free speech, access to information/internet or freedom of expression/creativity? Be specific about your stance (e.g. I'm fine because ... or note why you are concerned by government transparency or restrictive copyright rules ... or new FCC rules on net neutrality ...)
  5. Give an EXAMPLE to illustrate your point.
It seems like it used to be more "for the good", but now it seems as if it's more irresponsible and yes, bad. I'll be honest in saying I don't know a whole lot about the website or Julian Assange. But from what I have watched and witnessed more recently I find it interesting the sides they seem to take, what they release, and when they chose to release their information. I am not sure if interesting is the right word, but it'll work. I am unsure of how we are supposed to find some of their material more credible than other sources or at all, especially with all the new technology continuously coming out, but whatever. 
I am worried about the future of our free speech. After watching this video which is already several years old it opened my eyes to the limitation of creativity and expression; I hadn't realized the extent of it before. Then there's the whole net neutrality thing that worries me as well and what will happen with that, if anything. There is also the concern of future limitations and how far they really plan to push it. I just don't understand why everything has to be a giant legal battle.


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